
Sunday, November 30, 2014

But... Where Did All My Stuff Go?

Last year I packed up all my stuff to go home from school. Sometime between then and now, I have misplaced a bunch of the random things I have collected throughout the past couple years.
Since moving in and now, I have misplaced even more things.

Alas, the first semester of school so far has been incredibly busy, so I am not surprised that I misplaced some of my stuff, but some really random things have gone missing. For example: my computer charger.
I have not removed my charger from my room, and I am pretty sure I last saw it plugged into the wall. So where did it go? Similarly, all my art supplies seem to have gone *poof* away. What is happening???

This year is my junior year. It is just beginning to sink in that I will soon be a "real person," expected by society to get a "real job" (which, if we're being honest with ourselves, doesn't exist in the art world).

In the spirit of the season I will make a short list of things I'm thankful for in no particular order:
-Alarm clocks
-Gilmore Girls
-My mom
-Warm fires
-Funny movies
-Good food
-Hair feathers
-Friend dates
-Friends to go on friend dates with

Things I'm not thankful for:
-Alarm clocks
-Black Friday
-Large crowds
-Thirteen-to-fifteen page papers
-Scary movies

So that wraps up this little mind-vomit. Have a good day, e'rybody!