Humans make mistakes, whether or not they are willing to own up to them.
Using math (A = B and B = C, so A = C), we can assume that teachers make mistakes.
Since it is that lovely time of year where our grades are entered into the system and we find out if all of those all-nighters were indeed worth it, do yourself a favor and double check to make sure that your teachers have entered in your grades correctly. Surprisingly, even a few points that aren't entered can really make a difference. So, if you are like me and care even a little about what grades you get, I recommend looking to make sure that your teacher entered grades correctly.
Now that school is out, it's time for friends, family, and fun, right? WRONG. It's time for jobs, jobs, and more jobs so that you can begin to pay off that ever-growing pile of debt. Don't get me wrong, there is definitely time for all that other stuff, but for me, my first priority was finding a job, and I did! I now am a happy employee at a pet store!
As for family and friends, that can pose problems for the average college student returning home. If you are like me, you lived on campus, and now that you're back home it's hard to fit in again. You've grown, and your family has grown, but in two very different ways. You've learned how to live on your own and they've learned how to live without you being there all the time. I really don't have any advice for this yet, as I am trying to figure out how to navigate the strange waters of this new situation with my family. If you have any advice, please share. I am open to suggestions.
In happier news, now that school is over, my panic attacks have subsided quite a bit with the return of summer, so I have stopped going to see a counselor. I am glad that my anxiety seems to be under control, but I know that the return of school may mean the return of high anxiety. Luckily, I have a great support system at school who will help me through anything. I miss my school family, but, alas, summer must part us for a bit. But next year there will be a whole new group of freshmen to add to my school family! I can't wait!
Until next time, have a great summer!
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